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The NYSDOH Novel H1N1 Flu Telephone Hotline: 1-800-808-1987 (New York City residents call 311)
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The New York State Education Department provides guidance, support, and direction to administrators, faculty, staff, and the school community. A compilation of all H1N1 information provided by NYSDOH and NYSED is posted at http://usny.nysed.gov/swine-flu-info.html.
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The New York Statewide School Health Service Center provides guidance and support to school health professionals. Frequently updated information is posted at http://www.schoolhealthservicesny.com/.
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English and Spanish educational materials are available at: www.health.state.ny.us/diseases/communicable/influenza/h1n1/educational_materials.htm and include:
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Influenza (H1N1 and Seasonal) Educational Materials Order Form . Got the flu? Here's what to do: Ask for a mask! (poster)
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Spanish - ¿Tiene la gripe? Sepa lo que debe hacer: pida una mascara (cartel) . Keep Your Germs to Yourself! (pocket card)
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Spanish - Quédese con sus microbios: No salga de su casa y evite el contacto directo con los demás (folleto) . Stop! Do you have Fever? Cough? Trouble breathing? Please tell the staff immediately! (poster)
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Spanish - Alto - Aviso Importante Para Todos Los Pacientes Tiene Usted - Fiebre? Tos? Problemas? Para Respirar? (cartel) . Visitors are welcome ... but the flu is NOT! (poster)
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Spanish - Las visitas son bienvenidas ...La gripe NO! (cartel) . Keep your Germs to Yourself! (poster)11
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Spanish - ¡Quédese con sus Microbios! (cartel) . What to do? - When someone at home has the flu (brochure)
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Spanish - ¿Qué se debe hacer? cuando alguien en la casa tiene gripe (folleto) . Keep our School Healthy (poster)
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Spanish - ¡De usted depende parar la gripe! (cartel) . Keep our School Healthy (poster)
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Spanish - Mantengamos la escuela sana (cartel) . Keep Your Germs to Yourself - Stay Home and avoid close contact with others (poster)